Being a Billboard Model for Kumu: The Ultimate “I Made It” Moment 📸

March 2, 2023 | 3 mins read

Perhaps one of Kumu’s most sought-after campaign prizes is the chance for creators to be featured on a billboard in prime locations across the country. It’s the ultimate “I made it” moment, and we’re here to share how it’s been for the many lucky faces who have graced Kumu ads along EDSA, inside SM malls, NAIA terminals, and so many more locations! 

(For those new to Kumu, Campaigns are livestream contests where content creators need to go live and earn specific virtual gifts to win prizes– these can range from gift certificates to unique experiences, billboard features, and more. You can click here to learn more about campaigns, how to join them, and how to earn the coveted diamonds).

Many of our campaign winners have described billboard campaigns as one of their most memorable Kumu milestones to date. Being a billboard model for Kumu gives you access to the full superstar experience for a day. The best creatives in the business take care of you– You get the full glam treatment with hair, makeup, and wardrobe styling– all to make sure you look and feel your very best for the shoot.  

Let’s not forget about the actual shoot– it’s a blast! You get to hang out with your fellow Kumu creators, strike your best pose, and channel your inner supermodel. It’s a fun and memorable experience that you’ll never forget. Check out some behind the scenes moments from Gie Cayetano and her fellow campaign winners. Catch the moment she saw her solo ad in her trip to Bacolod vlog here: “SOLO BILLBOARD SA BACOLOD!😍💖(Bacolod Day 2, Thank you Kumu!)💙🥰” | Anghet Cayetano

Being a billboard model for Kumu also comes with major recognition. By representing Kumu, you become an ambassador for the app and the whole Kumunity. Of course, we want more of our homegrown talents to gain more opportunities for collaborations, sponsorships, and partnerships– every digital creator’s dream come true. It’s quite a surreal experience for our many winners. Check out Princess Jeal’s billboard campaign experience– from livestreaming to being on set, then finally seeing the ad along EDSA for the very first time.

So, if you’re a Kumu creator with dreams of moving your career forward, keep pushing and creating amazing content on your livestreams. Who knows– you may be the next superstar to grace the billboards across the Philippines. To inspire you some more, take a look at what some of our power streamers have to say about the whole experience:

Check out @clairebricenio’s post here

Check out @marlomortelmusic’s post here

Check out @maicabermejo’s post here

Check out @johnpaulvillamar’s post here

This March, Kumu continues to empower creators with more prizes and unique experiences to let their talent truly shine. One of the big prizes this month includes an LED billboard feature along EDSA care of Summit Media. Billboard features are just some of the many unique campaign experiences you can win on Kumu! Check out our full March campaign lineup here: Empower Your Live: Kumu Marches On with Campaigns from National University,, Globe Hapag and more! ✨

Follow @campaignsofficial on Kumu for the latest campaign updates and stay tuned for more exciting billboard & magazine cover campaigns this year. Interested to learn more? Check out how to join campaigns here, and start streaming! Who knows– yours might be the next face we see along EDSA!

Follow @kumuph on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to keep up to date with all the latest events, and surprises from your favorite Pinoy livestreaming platform. 


Kumu Press