WATCH: Palaweña Singer-Songwriter Jaycen Cruz Wins #BYE2020 kumu klips Audition

December 30, 2020 | 4 mins read

With kumu and BYE2020 combined, we’re starting the New Year 2021 with a bang! Musical guests, artists and amazing new talent are about to splash your screens. Among these up-and-coming superstars, we have Jaycen Cruz, singer-songwriter and kumu livestreamer, who officially won the BYE2020 kumu klips audition challenge! 



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“I’m very grateful po to BYE2020 and kumu for this opportunity to share my music on a huge virtual stage.”, says Jaycen. As part of her win, Jaycen will be performing at BYE2020’s virtual concert, as we countdown to the new year. When asked how she felt about winning the kumu klips challenge, Jaycen was blown away. She remarks, “Hindi ako makapaniwala, kasi para lang akong nananaginip! Pero I will definitely make the most out if!” 

Jaycen, who goes by @jaycencruz on kumu, is no stranger to the Kumunity. She is often seen joining games, campaigns and even livestreams her music on the app. Her musical career dates further back to 2016, when she started a musical-duo group with her best friend, Mara. “Two years later, I decided to leave my day job as an anthropologist to pursue my passion, which is music.”, she recounts. “[Mara and I] moved to Manila to look for bigger opportunities for our music. And then in January of this year, I joined kumu, which opened up a lot of doors for me as a person, and as an artist.”


Listen to Jaycen Cruz’ winning kumu klip


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Ready to join the fun? Download the kumu app now, click here. 


As a real online creative, Jaycen settled into kumu easily, generating regular content and exciting engagements with fellow kumuzens. “kumu has been my safest virtual spance during this pandemic.”, she says. “As an introvert, kumu really helped me discover new things about myself as a person, not just as an artist. I was able to know myself more and express myself more freely, which then helped me become a better artist.”

One of Jaycen’s brilliant concepts for kumu is something she calls “Wordplay Wednesday”, which turned out to be a fun little gig to connect with her followers. “I write songs on the spot using the words given by my viewers during the livestream.”, she explains. “This really challenged me to channel all the creativity inside of me, and now I have written at least 35 songs on kumu because of it.” WOW! 

With such talent, connection and creativity, one can only surmise that the year ahead would be an exciting one for Jaycen, as she grows with the Kumunity. Her message to all is simple, but also powerful: “Do not be afraid to fight for what you are passionate about. That’s why I’m here, to give you a sign to just do it!” 


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Jaycen promises to keep singing, and writing songs for all on the kumu app. She’s especially looking forward to hearing from all of you! So don’t hesitate to follow her on kumu, and catch her live… perhaps in time for Wordplay Wednesday? Game!

Jaycen Cruz and more BYE2020 talents will be going live on December 31, 2020. 7PM, on the kumu app. Follow @bye2020ph on kumu now, and be a part of the new year countdown virtual concert. 


Don’t have the kumu app yet? No worries, we’ve got the app link here for you to make this download quick. You can also follow @kumuph on InstagramFacebook and Twitter to keep up to date with all the latest events, and surprises from your favorite Pinoy livestreaming platform. Check back here at the kumu blog for more interesting insights into the Kumunity. Tara na! Kita-kits sa kumu!


Kumu Press