Kwentong Kumu: How a Single Mother Found Support and Empowerment Through Kumunity 💐

May 13, 2023 | 4 mins read

In Kumu, gifters are more than just fans– they are a lifeline for many of our streamers. Meet Jennifer Ambos (@jenny_tbf), a single mother who found success and community through streaming. With the unwavering support of her Kumu family and loyal gifters, Jennifer has won over 20 Kumu Campaigns that allowed her to take home prizes such as weeks worth of groceries, home appliances, and even earn enough to set up her own sari-sari store at home. Hear more about her story below!

“Of course nagbago talaga kasi nagka business ako sa bahay dahil sa campaigns. Being a single mom di ko na kailangan maghanap ng work malayo sa mga anak ko”

[Of course, things really changed because I started a business just at home thanks to [winning] campaigns. Being a single mom, [It’s good that I]I no longer need to look for work far away from my children.]

Jennifer recalls the lengths she went to in order to participate in these life-changing campaign opportunities, streaming from the top of a Narra tree due to the lack of signal in Capiz. Now, thanks to the kindness of her gifters, she is now also able to afford stable Wi-Fi connection, further elevating her streams and opportunities for success even more. Her story serves as a testament to the transformative power of community and how Kumu campaigns have empowered her to thrive, both as a mother and as a business owner. 

The community she found on Kumu, many of whom are also fellow mothers, understand the unique challenges she faces as a single mom. With every stream and new campaign opportunity, they continue to rally behind Jennifer with encouragement and support. 

“Sabi nga nila [gifters], as a single mom, mahirap iyong pinagdadaanan ko. So ginawan nila ng paraan na di ako lumalayo sa mga anak ko, nandito lang ako sa bahay, nakakapag Kumu, nakakasama nila ako araw araw.” 

[They [gifters] know that being a single mom is difficult, so they found a way for me to support and be with my children without being away from them. I’m just here at home, able to stream on Kumu, and I get to be with my children every day.]

Let’s take a moment to honor the unwavering spirit of all the hardworking mothers out there, who tirelessly care for their families and pursue their dreams. Let us also recognize our caring community of gifters who contribute to the success of many streamers like Jennifer. Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful mothers, and may this day be filled with love and appreciation for all that you do!

Want to know more about the exciting prizes in store this month? Check out our May lineup here: Relax and Recharge Your Mind with #KumuSoundMinds Campaign Prizes from Elite Skin Perfection, Central Colleges of the Philippines, Potipot Gateway Resort, The Secret Lounge and more! Join a campaign or support your favorite streamer today! 

What is a Kumu campaign?

Campaigns are contests held within the Kumu app for all users; different prizes are up for grabs every time. The rules of a campaign are simple: Pick your desired campaign to join, then go live and stream on Kumu to earn as many virtual gifts for that particular campaign as possible. At the end of the campaign period, the streamers with the highest diamond count from the campaign’s virtual gifts win the top prizes. 

Campaigns are not only your chance at winning once-in-a-lifetime experiences and unbelievable rewards, but also a great avenue for making new connections around the world. New to Kumu? They’re still excited to have you! Download the app now through the App Store or Google Play, and click on the Campaigns tab, or click here to learn more about campaigns, how to join them, and how to earn the coveted diamonds. Great things await you!

Follow @kumuph on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to keep up to date with all the latest events, and surprises from your favorite Pinoy livestreaming platform. 


Kumu Press