Want to build your CV? Get an Internship!

July 22, 2024 | 5 mins read

From pulling all-nighters to joining multiple organizations, college students today aim bigger than ever to hone their skills. One key aspect that helps students these days is internships. However, not everyone knows much about these opportunities and the many companies that offer not just academic but also voluntary internships.

Through internships, undergraduates are provided with opportunities to build networks and explore their passions, while sometimes even compensating them with allowance for their contributions.

Five graduating interns share how kumu has opened doors for them, not just in shaping their skills but also in exploring their future career paths.


, 23, a BS Business Economics graduating student from the University of the Philippines Diliman, shared her experience working in the Marketing department as a Campaign Partnerships intern at kumu for 6 months. With prior experience in digital marketing, she mentioned how kumu helped her explore beyond this scope, particularly, on Out-of-home (OOH) advertisements such as billboards. In this role, she analyzed campaigns and contributed insights into the campaign’s revenue, success, and areas for improvement. She also participated in the kumu Summer Station ID shoot, where she went to Splash Island with the team and assisted the streamers in the dance segments; contributing her talents as a former member of UP Streetdance. In this regard, she highlighted how kumu pushed herself to adapt to the corporate environment of social media applications, learned to become more creative, not just artistically, but in terms of providing ‘solutions’. And, she grew confidence as she was opened to opportunities and exposed to different tasks which she quoted: “not the usual stuff an intern gets to do.”

Mavie, 23, a Multimedia and Arts Design graduating student
from IAcademy Makati, shared quite similar experiences working in the Marketing department as a Creatives and Graphic Design intern for 3 months. She worked on multiple projects with the team, including working on campaigns such as the TV Prankster Hunt, Diamond Hunt, kumu Station ID, kumu Famous, Candy Collab, and Grand Slam Champ, where she got to test her design principles by creating banners, primers, and providing assistance. From being an introvert, Mavie was able to break down her walls and involve herself more on projects where she became more ‘outgoing’.

Yuan, 22, a BS Information Technology graduate
from the University of Santo Tomas, shared his experience as a Quality Assurance (QA) intern under the Technology and Product department for 6 months. He took this internship with a mindset of fulfilling his academic requirement of rendering 500 hours. However, being accepted into kumu, he was given the chance to lead the entire QA team with his co-interns. With this responsibility, they were tasked to coordinate with the developments and infrastructures department to test QA cases including features, bug fixes, and version releases. Indeed, kumu has paved the way for Yuan to position himself in the tech industry as he described how it became “a training ground” for him. He highlighted how he not only gained technical skills but also soft skills, where he was able to lead, listen, and learn.

Another QA intern, Chris, 23, a BS Information Technology graduate also from the University of Santo Tomas for 6 months, expressed similar sentiments where kumu gave him an opportunity to ‘step-up’ and lead. Along with Yuan, he emphasized how kumu honed his skills as he was able gain ‘on-hand’ experience in the Quality Assurance field. With this experience, he not only strengthened his technical abilities but also his interpersonal skills as he was able to coordinate with different departments.

Lastly, Mon, 23, also a BS Information Technology graduating student from Technological University of the Philippines, shared his experience of being a QA intern for 6 months. He described his journey in kumu as a ‘combination of collaboration and leadership’. Beyond the four corners of the classroom, he got the chance to lead, which he described as a rare opportunity for ‘intern-level’ positions. The trust, agency, and ownership he received from the kumu krew community has indeed helped him boost his confidence even further. This experience helped him position himself in the Quality Assurance field, as he recognized the ‘wide range of job opportunities’ in the IT industry, but through kumu, he became more certain of the career path he wanted to take.

These five iconic interns have immensely grown out of their comfort zones and made significant contributions to their designated departments and the entire kumu community. In both the creative and technological fields, kumu has provided them with an avenue to find and position themselves in the real world. They have been given the opportunity to learn more about themselves and their passions, which showcases how kumu is not only a place for growth and skill development, but also a second home. The kumu space has been a home to many, and just like for these interns, kumu continues to uplift and challenge individuals to their fullest potential. These experiences reflect the essence of kumu, a nurturing ground for fresh talents, a place where potential is recognized and honed.

Kumu recognizes the hardwork and talent these interns have shown throughout their stay. Again, the kumu krew would like to extend their congratulations to these graduates. We couldn’t be more proud of you and we’re excited to see you flourish even further as you start your journey in adulthood.

So what now?

Start building your Curriculum Vitae (CV), make a LinkedIn account, join organizations, apply for internships, and explore what can be explored! This is you taking a step towards your self-growth, which involves facing your fears, showing up, and still doing it scared.

For internship opportunities at kumu, feel free to visit https://kumu.bamboohr.com/careers

Kumu Press

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