This can get messy! Shopkumu’s Market Klash x Messy Bessy is set for an exciting weekend hustle

July 31, 2021 | 3 mins read

Have you ever thought about how far house cleaning can go? Well then, with Shopkumu and Messy Bessy, you’re about to see a whole new level of home care and cleaning. Launching with a fanfare of kumu Teams ready, the Market Klash x Messy Bessy event is set to go live for July 31, Saturday, 8-9:30pm.A total of 15 kumu Teams will be on hustle to sell Messy Bessy’s top products, all of which are guaranteed to be that locally-sourced, plant-derived goodness the social enterprise is known for. 


Over 40 different Messy Bessy items are expected to go on sale on Shopkumu, as kumu Teams and the official Messy Bessy channel (@hellomessybessy) set up their live selling. Select Shopkumu sellers can also add Messy Bessy products to their stores to join in on the event.

Sales from the Market Klash X Messy Bessy event will also go towards Messy Bessy’s Foundation, the HOUSE Foundation, a program dedicated to uplifting at-risk youth from poverty, empowering them with education and work training. Now that’s the kind of partnership kumu loves, fun, authentic and with a big heart. 

“We’re so excited to be part of a fast-growing live-streaming  platform!” says Pat Sales, Community Care Lead of Messy Bessy. “We feel like this is also a fun way to connect to our audience and show them more about our products and our advocacy behind them.” 



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For anyone who has ever been curious about the social enterprise Messy Bessy, this is the perfect chance to connect, communicate and convert your home care lifestyle… in a fun, #kummified way! Pat elaborates, “We want to introduce our viewers to the benefits of plant-based and eco-friendly products that are crucial in keeping a safe and healthy planet. We’ll also be sharing some of their hidden benefits, to help you maximize every last drop in the bottle. We put a lot of heart into our work, too, and we’re thankful for the opportunity to share it with the Kumunity.” 

Even more good news, Messy Bessy is expected to be around in the Kumunity, mingling with Kumunizens and spreading the word for business with a cause. “Viewers can expect content as fresh as our products!” says Pat, anticipating the exciting projects ahead. “We’re looking into Kumunity-exclusive sales, mini-games, maybe even giveaways and kumustahans with our partners and scholars!” So, we best keep an eye out for that Messy Bessy on kumu. 


The Market Klash x Messy Bessy event is set to go live on Shopkumu, July 31, Saturday, 8 – 9:30pm. To keep up with all the latest updates and finds, follow the handle @shopkumuph on Instagram, and Facebook. Plus, check back at the kumu blog for more exciting news about special deals, discounts and promos on kumu. 


Don’t have the kumu app yet? It’s easy! Download the app at Google Play or the App Store, and join the Kumunity! 



Kumu Press