Notice to Kumunizens: Security Update

December 18, 2020 | 2 mins read

Dear kumunizens,

We are grateful for your patronage of kumu and your trust in us to safeguard your personal information.

We recently received information that there has allegedly been a security and data concern within our system. Upon receiving news of the incident, kumu quickly investigated the allegations, even onboarding third-party experts to ensure that NO financial information, passwords, credits cards, and other sensitive information are at risk.

After notification, we initiated a thorough investigation with cybersecurity experts and implemented a system upgrade to further enhance our security measures.

We at kumu have always strived to put user safety first. We are currently working with relevant authorities to further enhance the platform’s security infrastructure to continuously provide a safe, convenient, and enjoyable experience to all our users.

We are also conducting regular reviews of all security measures in our system and processes to ensure we could fortify any weakness and plug any gaps and avoid this incident in the future.

You may continue to access your kumu account and use our services as business operations have not been affected by the incident. Please be reminded that kumu will never ask for passwords, and will maintain the usage of one-time passwords for your added security.

We know that this might raise some concerns for you and in this regard, we made sure that the kumu team is available to any of our users 24/7. You may contact us at for any questions that you may have.

We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this incident may have caused. We at kumu take our security matters very seriously as it is a core value we strive to uphold as a company. We assure you that our team acted quickly to protect the privacy of our community and are taking all the necessary steps to avoid such incident in the future.

Thank you,

kumu Team


Kumu Press