It’s happening: Gardo Versoza to guest on Ces Drilon’s online show

August 17, 2020 | 2 mins read

Stress Drilon meets Hagardo Versoza on online show ‘Bawal Ma-stress Drilon’

In what is likely an instance of the universe finally giving us a bone, veteran journalist Ces Drilon will be joined by actor Gardo Versoza on her new online show, Bawal Ma-stress Drilon.

For those who aren’t as well-versed in Philippine Internet-speak and at the risk of over-explaining a joke, Ces and Gardo’s names have long been used as puns and punchlines in expressing just how tired we all are.

There’s “Stress Drilon” – which takes from Ces’s name – and “Hagardo Versoza,” (literally: haggard), a play on Gardo’s name.

Garco will be Ces’ guest for the show’s August 24 episode. The show is streamed on the For Your Entertainment channel on Kumu, a streaming app which media giant ABS-CBN recently invested in.

The show has also been on the hunt for Ces’s show co-host. Previous show guests include Manila Mayor Isko Moreno, actress Maymay Entrata, and comedian Gabe Mercado.

Ces is among the most recognizable names and faces in Philippine journalism. She is an award-winning broadcast journalist for several years before being appointed lifestyle content head of ABS-CBN in 2017.

Ces, who is also executive editor of ANCX, is among the thousands who were retrenched after a House committee denied ABS-CBN a new franchise. –

Original post on Rappler August 13, 2020 —


Kumu Press